On the twelfth day of Christmas, med school gave to me. . .
12 hours of studying*
11 respiratory small groups
10 reasons to love the people I study with
9 causes of metabolic acidosis
8 general anesthetics
7 minutes for a glorious shower
6 gabillion reasons not to smoke
5 cups of coffee
4 characterizations of asthma
3 annoying roommates* who are all doing way less work than me for finals
2 interstitial lung diseases
and motivation to
really enjoy my holiday vacation!
*12 hours of studying. . . if only, I studied 19 hours straight yesterday and still bombed my exam this morning.
11 respiratory small groups:(1) Patterns of pulmonary dysfunction, (2) Pathophysiology of gas exchange, (3) Pathophysiology of ventilatory control, (4) Case-based questions, (5) Acid-base disorders, (6) Obtructive disease, (7) Interstitial lung disease, (8) More case-based questions, (9) Pulmonary circulation, (10) Even more case-based questions, (11) ARDS and respiratory failure
10 reasons to love the people I study with:
(1) Micah's mnemonics (I Smell Diarrhea Now- inhaled anesthetics), (2) Julie's hugs, (3) Listening to soothing ocean sounds or choral arrangements, (4) Caramel corn, (5) We rock acid/base disturbances, (6) I taught antibiotics, (7) and Micah taught me basically all of pharm- thank goodness he has asthma, (8) "Hey guys, lets play a game where if quiz eachother and if we get a question wrong, we have to take off an item of clothing."- although I'm not sure strip-studying will ever really catch on, (9) "We can do this, we'll get through it." How we all encourage eachother when we have breakdowns/panic attacks, (10) If I didn't have them, I would be (even more) socially special-ed and a pathetic excuse for a human being
9 causes of metabolic acidosis:(1) Diarrhea, (2) Sepsis, (3) Cardiopulmonary arrest, (4) Renal failure, (5) Hepatic failure, (6) Diabetes, (7) Carbonic anhydrase inhibitor diuretics, (8) Hypotension, (9) Overdose of ethylene glycol
8 general anesthetics:
IV agents- (1) thiopental, (2) etomidate, (3) propofol, (4) ketamine
Volatile inhaled agents- (5) isoflurane, (6) sevoflurane, (7) desflurane
Anesthetic gas- (8) nitrous oxide
7 minutes in the shower:(1) Get warm, (2) Shampoo- lather, (3) Rinse, (4) Condition, (5) Soap up, (6) Rinse, (7) Stand and wish I had something else to do in the shower so I wouldn't have to get out of the steam and go study
6 gabillion reasons to not to smoke:
It will kill you.
5 cups of coffee:(1) Holiday gingerbread spice, (2) Breakfast blend, (3) Hazelnut at Panera, (4) Microwaved after sitting in the pot all day, (5) Consumed all in one gulp of desperation at 2am
4 characterizations of asthma:(1) Airway obstruction, (2) Hyperresponsiveness, (3) Inflammation, (4) Remodeling
3 annoying roommates*:
(1) Jess, (2) Sarah, (3) Sarah
*But I love them anyway
2 interstitial lung diseases (the 2 most prevalent):(1) Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis, (2) Sarcoidosis

And a relaxed, wonderful, real break.
Merry Christmas!!