Here's a quote from the Forbes story, "Stingrays have a serrated, toxin-loaded barb, or spine, on the top of their tail. The barb, which can be up to 10 inches long, flexes if a ray is frightened. Stings usually occur to people when they step on or swim too close to a ray and can be excruciatingly painful but are rarely fatal, said University of Queensland marine neuroscientist Shaun Collin. Collin said he suspected Irwin died because the barb pierced under his ribcage and directly into his heart. 'It was extraordinarily bad luck. It's not easy to get spined by a stingray and to be killed by one is very rare,' Collin said. "
Huh. Lucky shot by the stingray.
And what a memorial. . . "At Australia Zoo at Beerwah, south Queensland, floral tributes were dropped at the entrance, where a huge fake crocodile gapes. Drivers honked their horns as they passed. 'Steve, from all God's creatures, thank you. Rest in peace,' was written on a card with a bouquet of native flowers."
And for more random Steve Irwin, this is a cartoon I found online ( satirizing the situation after Irwin fed crocodiles with one hand while holding his baby son in the other.

Crikey, what a legacy.
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