Pronunciation: (")I-"a-tr&-'je-nik
Function: adjective
Etymology: Greek iatros physician + English -genic
: induced inadvertently by a physician or surgeon or by medical treatment or diagnostic procedures (an
Ugh. My social life has iatrogenic disease, and school is my iatrogenic rash. Being a second year student is rough sometimes. Nothing is that hard, but there just aren't enough hours in the day to learn everything while also doing normal-person things like exercising, showering, and grocery shopping. So, needless to say, it's been awhile since I've written anything on here. (Since my last entry three weeks ago I've had two midterm exams, one final, five quizzes, one write-up, one clinic day, and a partridge in a pear tree.)
Unfortunately, seeing as its already 12:20 am, and I only got 4 hours of sleep last night, this is going to have to be brief as well. Good thing not much exciting happens when all one does is study.
Amy's life occurrences in a nutshell:
- I got a new wallet and credit cards.
- Congrats to Curt and Nate for surviving IronmanWisconsin, and to Curt for qualifying for Hawaii! I watched the beginning of the swim, it was great.
- My grandma had major eye surgery (she's going to be using one of the eye prostheses I learned a little about at LV Prasad in India)

- Dealing with stress by shopping (mainly online, for shoes)
- Holla for drinking beer while studying
- I received a Facebook message thank you for a wedding gift I gave! (Emily Post would be displeased-- what is this world coming to??)
- I went to a wedding (different one from the facebook thank you gift) where the husband took the bride's name. Interesting.
- Mom came to Madison to hang with me for the afternoon and share her infinite wisdom with the members of the UW Women in Medicine group. We had a fun afternoon talking, and Mom makes killer margaritas.
Ok, hoping for 5 hours of sleep if I go to bed now. If I wouldn't procrastinate so much, I'd be better off. But it's just more fun to make cookie's for the Dean's Cup (a hard-core competition between the med and law schools at UW) bake-off while watching Project Runway than to study pharmacology. Oh well.
1 comment:
Hurray! A post! Just keep thinking about next week :) Hang in there!
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